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Visalia Partners in Education is inviting businesses to a reception at 5 p.m. on Thursday to learn about academies and career pathways available to Visalia’s students — and the role of businesses in helping to shape the future.
The hour-long reception at the Visalia Convention Center will feature 25 booths in which students show off the projects they created in their particular pathway and academy. Visalia Unified School District now offers 10 distinct academies, each designed to help students link their education with their future career.
Following the showcase, businesses will hear from four students on how they chose their pathway, and their academy experience so far, said Bill Davis, director of Career Technical Education for VUSD.
“The ultimate goal of this kick-off reception is to encourage businesses to become involved in our academies and support student success by offering tours, job shadowing and internships,” Davis said.
“The academy framework helps students connect what they do in school with what they want to do in life,” he added. “Businesses tell us they need students with specific skills. Engaging businesses in the process is critically important to our community’s future.”
Visalia Partners in Education is a collaborative effort of the school district, the Visalia Chamber of Commerce and the Visalia Economic Development Corporation. For information, contact Davis at 730-7510; bdavis02@visalia.k12.ca.us.