published on May 2, 2016 - 10:23 AM
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Visitors to Fresno County injected $1.407 billion into the local economy in 2015 and have continued to support the region, according to a statewide report released today by Visit California.

The report, an update from preliminary findings released in February at Visit California’s 2016 Outlook Forum, finds that travel spending was a leading source of employment opportunities for local residents and tax revenue for local governments.

The report, produced in partnership by Dean Runyan Associates, found that in 2015, direct travel spending reached $1.407 billion in Fresno County.

Statewide, travelers spent a record $122.6 billion last year.

“2015 was the sixth consecutive year of growth for the tourism industry,” said Visit California President and CEO Caroline Beteta. “Tourism has the ability to drive economic development and revitalization that empowers local communities and makes California a better place to both live and work.”

Visitor spending supported 14,130 jobs and generated $39 million in local tax revenue for Fresno County, demonstrating that the travel and tourism industry is good for the economy.

“Out of the 29 counties in California represented in this report, we are #5,” said Layla Forstedt, president/CEO, of the Fresno/Clovis Convention & Visitors Bureau.

“We are so pleased with the growth of visitor spending in Fresno County and the resulting economic impact,” Forested added. “It is a win-win for all.”

Visit California is a statewide organization that works with local partners across the state to develop and implement innovative global marketing programs.

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