published on April 29, 2016 - 9:34 PM
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How to balance preparing students for both the university and the workforce will be the focus of the Visalia Economic Development Corporation’s (VEDC) Annual Meeting, to be held on May 18.

The breakfast meeting will begin at 7 a.m. at the Visalia Convention Center, featuring speaker Kevin Fleming of Teloses Educational Services.

The major sponsors of the event are California Water Service Company and Southern California Gas Co. Additional sponsors are Buckman-Mitchell, Kaweah Delta Health Care District and Graham & Associates.  

Fleming’s presentation, titled “(Re)defining the Goal,” will challenge participants to re-examine what questions should be asked of the educational system and the community to maximize the state’s workforce training system.

“This is a topic of great interest across the nation,” Fleming said. “The need must be defined and the community must step up to meet the need to deliver students with skills for the 21st century. We must discuss education, workforce training and policy changes that can make systemic shifts for the betterment of our regional economies.”

Fleming reports that many other states do a better job than California in continuously adjusting educational systems to align with real-world workforce needs.

Reservations are required by May 9 by calling The Lockwood Agency, 733-3737, or emailing Julie Ebert at jebert@thelockwoodagency.net. Tickets are $35 in advance; $45 at the door (cash and checks only at the door).

The VEDC is a nonprofit, membership organization committed to retaining and recruiting employers and ensuring that Visalia continues to offer a business-friendly climate.

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