published on March 28, 2017 - 9:22 PM
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Assemblyman Devon Mathis (R-Visalia) announced that his bill to provide tax relief for pet owners is one step closer to reality.

AB 942 passed the California Assembly Revenue and Tax Committee this week, and is now headed to the Assembly Appropriations Committee. The bill will head for a full Assembly vote if it passes Appropriations.

AB 942 would provide up to $2,000 tax credit per household per year on lifesaving veterinary procedures for dogs and cats.

“Pets have become loved furry members of our family and I hope that my bill gives families the option to treat their pets rather than euthanize them,” Mathis said in a statement. “Although my bill doesn’t cover all pets and every expense, it’s a worthwhile start that can give us more time with our loved ones.”

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