
The team from California Business Machines accept their Best of Central Valley Business Award in December 2023. File photo

published on August 5, 2024 - 4:45 PM
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California Business Machines, Inc., a Fresno-based office equipment company in operation since 1953, has been acquired by a Sacramento-area firm.

It is the seventh acquisition for Roseville-based WiZiX Technology Group, Inc., which has only been in business for seven years. WiZiX is one of Sacramento’s Top 50 Fastest Growing Companies, according to the Sacramento Business Journal.

Founded on Inyo Street in Downtown Fresno by Ray and Lorraine McNally in 1953, California Business Machines is a leading office automation technology provider, retailer and service. Today it is run by Teri Brymer, the daughter of the original founders. Brymer will continue to manage California Business Machines (CBM), which will operate as an independent, wholly owned subsidiary of WiZiX Technology Group, according to a news release.

“CBM is an integral part of me. Born in Fresno 70 years ago, just after my parents founded California Business Machines, I have been working in the family business since attending Fresno State in the early ‘70s. The CBM employees and customers are like family,” said Brymer, president of California Business Machines. “For these reasons, I sought out another company in the industry that could take my company safely into the future with growth and new products and services while maintaining what we’re all about.”

The two companies place a premium on customer service, support and satisfaction, which made them a good fit, according to the news release.

“I am extremely excited about the opportunity to partner with Teri Brymer and California Business Machines. My family and I have deep roots in Fresno, which is where I started my career in this industry 40 years ago,” said Gary Johnson, president and CEO of WiZiX Technology Group.

Johnson had a long career in the industry with companies including Wolco Business Systems, Zoom Imaging Solutions and Xerox’s Global Imaging Systems. In fact, those names put together — WiZiX — made up the name of the new company he founded in 2017, according to a profile in enxmag.com.

WiZiX is no stranger to the Fresno market. The six prior acquisitions of WiZiX include Stanton Office Machines of Fresno, Scott Technology Group of Sacramento, Complete Business Systems of Livermore, Edward Office Systems of Sacramento, Intelligent Copier Solutions of Rohnert Park, and Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc of Reno.

Additionally, with their upcoming seventh anniversary in October, WiZiX anticipates kicking off their eighth year in business with the close of their eighth acquisition projected for Oct. 1.

“WiZiX has had an extremely aggressive acquisition strategy over the last seven years, and we will continue this strategy,” Johnson said. “But even more importantly, during the same period WiZiX’s organic growth is responsible for over 60% of our revenue. I am very proud of our team for all the effort they have put forth into achieving this level of success. The future is very bright!”

California Business Machines is a nine-team winner of the Best of Central Valley Business Readers’ Choice Award in the category of Best Office Equipment Company.

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