
Graphic by Cynthia Padilla

published on December 29, 2022 - 1:27 PM
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As we wind down another year, The Business Journal is looking back at all of the business news we reported in 2022.

Don’t miss our Year in Review issue hitting subscriber mailboxes Friday. The print edition of The Business Journal will also include our hotly anticipated Most Expensive Homes list and story.

A teaser: The previous owner of Fresno’s most expensive home sold this year was a prominent businessman who liked to say that Jesus himself could have walked on the stones he imported for his pathway.

Here are the most-read stories posted at thebusinessjournal.com for 2022. If you missed any of them, be sure to get caught up today.

  1. Josh Allen partners to abolish $10M in consumer debt
  3. CVS begins closing local stores; see where the ax falls first
  5. Fresno selected to host immersive Van Gogh exhibit
  7. Pizza chain opens first California location in Clovis
  9. More than Fresno Famous: How the Nightcrawler captured the world’s imagination
  11. Costco plans second store in NW Visalia
  13. Fresno ‘lake boys’ hit it big with nautical invention
  15. New Fresno eatery from Heirloom’s owners; ‘Napa meets Mexico City’
  17. Tale of the trailer: Time mandate leaves truckers short
  19. BLOG: Can a seller back out of a contract in real estate?


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