sarah pilibos

Sarah Pilibos, president of Stephen Investments, speaks out against the name change in an April 27, 2023 press conference. Photo by Ben Hensley

published on May 24, 2024 - 2:06 PM
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The renaming of sections of California Avenue, Ventura Street, and Kings Canyon Road to Cesar Chavez Boulevard has officially begun, with address change notifications mailed to the first group of residents and businesses who will be affected by the renaming of the street.

Residents along several sections of the roads will receive address change notifications of the street name change, with the first batch of notifications sent today, announced the City of Fresno Friday.

Three specific sections of the street will initiate the first changes including California Avenue between Marks and Hughes avenues and the stretch of Ventura Street between Mayor and Van Ness avenues.

Street sign installations on these stretches of thoroughfare will begin mid-June. As the signs are changed, addresses of residents and businesses will also change accordingly.

Address numbers will remain the same.

Street sign installations should take approximately four weeks to complete along the 10-mile stretch of road. Businesses and residents can expect future notifications alerting them of the sign installation and subsequent address changes.

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