
Undocumented make up major share of construction workforce. What’s at stake?
While President Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration has led to more attention on the plight of farm work crews, there


Clovis Rodeo tickets go on sale Monday; festivities start April 23
Tickets to the 111th Clovis Rodeo go on sale starting Monday, March 3, ramping up to the kickoff of the

solar panels

Darden solar project in Fresno County offers $2M in community investments
A Fresno County clean energy project has reached a major milestone. The California Energy Commission (CEC) has released its staff

Fresno business supports economic blackout with free food
As a 24-hour economic blackout commences Friday, one local business hopes its efforts will generate attention and motivate even more

man and children on a float

Chowchilla declares Feb. 26 ‘Edward Ray Day’ to honor bus driver who was kidnapped
A Central Valley city is honoring a late bus driver for his heroic actions during an infamous hostage situation. The


While President Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration has


Tickets to the 111th Clovis Rodeo go on

solar panels

A Fresno County clean energy project has reached

As a 24-hour economic blackout commences Friday, one

man and children on a float

A Central Valley city is honoring a late

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