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An elephant at the Fresno Zoo with a bad habit of cracking his tusks has been stopped thanks to some added bling.
The Fresno Bee reports (http://bit.ly/2lYhooE ) that Fresno Chaffee Zoo’s male African elephant Vus’Musi hasn’t cracked a tusk in more than six months thanks to a pair of special brass caps he wears.
Vus’Musi cracked or broke his tusks, leading zoo officials to look for a solution to keep the elephant from tormenting his tusks.
Elephants use tusks to dig, lift and rub against trees, causing damage to what are essentially external teeth. Breaks and cracks in tusks can lead to infections.
The special brass caps Vus’Musi wears act like human crowns to keep the elephant from further damaging his tusks.
Information from: The Fresno Bee, http://www.fresnobee.com