
Health care workers from Valley Children's Hospital and Wigmore Women's & Children's Hospital pose for a photo in Yerevan, Armenia. Valley Children's Hospital Facebook photo

published on July 2, 2024 - 3:59 PM
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Physicians from Valley Children’s Hospital will spread their care on a global scale following the announcement of an upcoming trip to Yerevan, Armenia, where the team of seven hospital physicians will partner with Wigmore Women’s & Children’s Hospital.

Valley Children’s and Wigmore first partnered in 2023. Last year during the hospitals’ initial partnership, Wigmore sent three pediatricians and one hospital administrator to Madera where the visiting doctors toured the hospital and were given a hands-on look at health care they hope to one day be the standard in Armenia.

While in Armenia, Valley Children’s physicians will work with Wigmore’s team to exchange knowledge, as well as participating in a neurosciences conference with the goal of sharing knowledge with pediatric neurologists, neonatologists and pediatricians in the area.

“This exchange represents an important next step in the commitment we made with Wigmore Women’s & Children’s Hospital to support transformative change in the healthcare landscape of Armenia,” said Valley Children’s President & CEO Todd Suntrapak. “As a Top Children’s Hospital in the U.S., we believe we have an important role to play in helping to elevate children’s healthcare around the world.”

Physicians from Valley Children’s Hospital are given a tour by physicians at Wigmore Women’s & Children’s Hospital in Yerevan, Armenia. Valley Children’s Hospital Facebook photo


Representing Valley Children’s Hospital on the trip are:

Dr. Patricia Clerkin, medical director, Pediatric Neurosurgery

Dr. Karen Dahl, vice president, Medical Affairs and Physician Health and Development

Dr. Steven Ehhreich, pediatric neurologist

Dr. Stephanie Jones, pediatric surgeon

Amy Mauk-Fisher, RN , critical care charge nurse

Dr. Julianna Sahoria, pediatric emergency medicine physician

Cesar Santos, medical director, Neurosciences

Valley Children’s representatives are currently in Yerevan and will return later this month according to Valley Children’s Healthcare Public Relations Officer Zara Arboleda.

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