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The state of California officially moved Fresno County to the next tier for Covid-19 lockdowns, allowing indoor businesses to operate — still under restrictions, however.
The county’s infection rate and positivity rate have been low enough for the past three weeks to be moved into the “substantial” tier and away from the “widespread” tier.
Most current numbers have Fresno County at 6.2 infections per 100,000 people with a positivity rate of 4.9%.
Madera, Kings and Tulare counties will remain in the “widespread” tier for the time being. Counties are reassessed every Tuesday.
For Fresno County, the following businesses are allowed to operate indoors under CDC guidelines.
— Aquariums at 25% capacity
— Banks and credit unions
— Body waxing studios
— Bookstores at 50% capacity
— Cardrooms
— Cultural ceremonies at 25% or 100 people, whichever is fewer
— Dance studios at 10% capacity
— Electrologists
— Estheticians
— Family entertainment centers, outdoor activities only
— Florists at 50% capacity
— Gyms and fitness centers at 10% capacity
— Hair salons and barbershops
— Higher education institutions at 25% or 100 people, whichever is less. Certain labs and studios can operate at full capacity.
— Home and furnishing stores at 50% capacity
— Massage therapy studios
— Movie theaters at 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer
— Museums
— Nail salons
— Piercing shops
— Places of worship at 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer
— Restaurants (dine-in) at 25% capacity or 100, whichever is fewer. Bars, breweries and distilleries cannot operate unless food is served.
— Schools cannot open until the county has been in the “substantial” tier for two weeks
— Shopping malls at 50% capacity
— Tattoo parlors
— Weddings (indoor) at 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer
— Wineries outdoor only
— Yoga studios at 10% capacity
— Zoos indoor activities at 25% capacity
Fresno Mayor Lee Brand said that the City of Fresno will focus Code Enforcement’s resources on education and reserve penalties for egregious violators.