wine grape processing

The economic impact of the wine industry in California is estimated at $73 billion, according to a new study. Photo by Edward Smith

published on November 30, 2022 - 2:11 PM
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The economic impact from winemakers has fermented into something sweet over the past few years, according to a study commissioned by California vintners.

Across the state, the wine industry creates $73 billion in direct and indirect economic impact in California. The work to harvest, process and distribute wine has created 422,000 jobs in the state and 1.1 million across the nation, according to the study done by John Dunham & Associates. The Wine Institute and the California Association of Winegrape Growers commissioned the study.

Over the past six years, that economic impact has grown 27% in California and 49% nationally, going from $114 billion to $170 billion annually in the nation.

wine study
John Dunham & Associates completed the study, commissioned by The Wine Institute and the California Association of Winegrape Growers.


The study breaks out economic impact by congressional district.

In Jim Costa’s district, which stretches from Fresno to Merced counties, wine produces $1.6 billion in economic activity annually and has created 9,520 jobs. There are 40 vineyard and winery operations in the area that have generated 610,700 tourist visits. Annual tourism spending amounts to $96.8 million.

Wine contributes to $1.3 billion annually in David Valadao’s district and has created 9.855 jobs. The 37 wineries in the district have attracted 189,300 tourist visits, generating $96.1 million annually in tourist spending.

In Napa Valley — represented by Congressman Mike Thompson — wine brings in $7.7 billion annually with 1,842 vineyards and wineries. There are 8.89 million tourist visits to those wineries generating $166.7 million in tourism dollars.

In Paso Robles — represented by Congressman Salud Carbajal — wine makes about $3.7 billion annually across 827 vineyards and wineries. About 2.5 million tourist visits are made to the area with $209.6 million in annual spending.

The vineyards of California are not only iconic post-card images of our state’s splendor, but also cradles of economic growth and pillars to many communities around the state,” said Natalie Collins, interim president of the California Association of Winegrape Growers in a press release. “The report offers a testament to the hard work and commitment of California’s winegrape growers and vintners in building and preserving a truly sustainable economic driver.”

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