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published on December 7, 2020 - 4:06 PM
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Two new proposed bills could extend the eviction moratorium in California.

The bills, proposed by Assemblyman David Chiu (D-San Francisco), would assist Californians struggling to pay rent due to Covid-19, according to the Sacramento Bee. The law would extend the moratorium to the end of 2021.

The two bills have not yet been posted on the California legislative website.

The proposal would extend the moratorium through Dec. 31 of 2021. Tenants would still be required to pay at least 25% of their total rent through that period.

Landlords will not be able to begin evictions until 2022. Landlords can still evict tenants if they demonstrate just cause, and those reasons are unrelated to Covid-19 related financial stress.

Chiu’s proposal adds to Assembly Bill 3088, which requires tenants pay at least 25% rent from Sept 1. to Jan. 31, 2021 to avoid being evicted. Landlords would be able to recoup lost rent through the court system beginning March 2021.

The proposed legislation would also impose more regulations on landlords including increasing penalties for illegal lockout or imposing late fees and interest on struggling tenants.

Landlords will also be prohibited from retaliations or harassment against renters.

The bill is being introduced as “urgency” legislation so it will need two-thirds majority approval in the legislature to take effect before the 2022 year.

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