judge's gavel

published on August 30, 2024 - 3:19 PM
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A pilot program aimed at increasing compensation for jurors serving in Fresno County will begin Sept. 3.

The program, funded by Assembly Bill 1981 looks to explore whether increases in daily and mileage compensation for jurors will improve juror diversity and participation.

Starting Sept. 3, jurors in Fresno County will receive $100 per day beginning on their second day of service. Jurors will also receive a mileage reimbursement of $0.67 per mile roundtrip.

Currently, jurors are compensated $15 per day and $0.37 per mile during their service.

“Participation as a juror is a most critical and hands on experience that our citizens will ever engage in within our democracy,” said Fresno Superior Court’s Presiding Judge Sanderson about the initiative. “We appreciate being one of the counties that will partake in this program and hope the extra pay will reduce the financial burden that jurors suffer during their service.”

The pilot, which also includes the Alameda, El Dorado, Imperial, Monterey, San Bernadino and Shasta counties, will end in early 2026 or when funding is exhausted.

Following the pilot, the Judicial Council will provide a report to the State Legislature outlining the findings of the program.

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