Written by Frank Lopez
Due to updated guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in regard to mass gatherings and large public events of 50 or more people, the “Valley Made” Manufacturing Summit planned for Fresno has been postponed.
The 6th annual manufacturing summit was slated for April 21, and a press release from the San Joaquin Valley Manufacturing Alliance stated that the event will likely be held in the fall, most likely in September.
All of the sponsor, exhibitor and attendee fees paid will still be applied to the postponed Manufacturing Summit date, according to the organizers.
Another annual and popular event in the Central Valley event has been postponed — the 82nd Big Hat Days event. The street festival was originally scheduled for April 4-5. It is now rescheduled to June 20-21.
“It is our hope that by the rescheduled date the dangers of the COVID-19 virus spreading will have subsided to a level that our health professionals will once again permit large gathering to occur in our community and we can celebrate together, the best of Clovis,” a press release from the Clovis Chamber of Commerce.