Madera Community Hospital

Image via maderahospital.org

published on December 29, 2017 - 12:53 PM
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Madera Community Hospital will be temporarily restricting children younger than 12 and any visitors with rashes, diarrhea or respiratory symptoms — along with fever, cough, sore throat and shortness of breath — from visitation.

The restrictions come following county recommendations and safety protocol during the flu season, which has been accompanied by a spike in local diagnoses.

“The course of the flu is unpredictable in both adults and children, and it is difficult to identify the stage of transmission with certainty,” said Dr. Bakht Roshan, infectious disease specialist. “Madera Community Hospital, along with thousands of hospitals across the United States, are asking, during flu season, only immediate family and no children to visit hospitalized patients. And if you are ill, please refrain from visiting.”

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