cannabis raid

Fresno code enforcement seized these items during smoke shop raids in early 2024. Photo via City of Fresno

published on October 15, 2024 - 2:19 PM
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Two Kings County retail stores, and two in Fresno County, were found in violation of new state hemp regulations as part of recent weekend sweeps that visited nearly 700 stores in California.

The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is leading the enforcement effort, searching for products for sale marketed as hemp products that contain any amount of THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis.

The emergency regulation that took effect Sept. 24 survived a legal challenge last week by hemp and cannabis businesses to halt enforcement. Among the plaintiffs was the cannabis company owned by comedy duo Cheech & Chong.

A total of 383 stores licensed by Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) were visited two weekends ago, with a dozen found out of compliance. The local businesses found in violation were Grangeville Liquor and Jack’s Gas, both in Hanford, reported ABC.

During another compliance effort this past weekend, nearly 300 locations were visited, with six found in violation, including stores Tarpey Wine and Spirits in Sanger and Sunnyside Liquor & IPA Hub in Fresno, according to ABC.

Businesses that fail to follow the law could face legal or administrative discipline, including loss of an alcoholic beverage license.

“ABC will continue to enforce the emergency regulations,” ABC Director Joseph McCullough said. “THC-containing hemp products threaten harm to the public, particularly children. Licensees who continue to sell these prohibited and dangerous products will be held accountable.”

As of Tuesday, ABC agents have visited 673 locations and seized 1,622 illegal hemp products at 18 locations.

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