published on February 2, 2016 - 7:15 PM
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The City of Kingsburg has teamed up with property owners to create a new website specifically designed to promote the Kingsburg Business Park.

The site, www.kingsburgbusinesspark.com, is designed to help those interested in locating to the park find everything they need in one place.

According to Kingsburg’s Economic Development Coordinator Jolene Polyack, “With the market recovery, we were receiving an accelerated number of inquiries regarding the Kingsburg Business Park. By working with each and every property owner in the park, we were able to identify those lots that are available, the terms, and contact information.”

There are currently two new Kingsburg Business Park projects currently in the planning stages, with more on the horizon, Polyack said.

Anyone interested in learning more about the Kingsburg Business Park and the City of Kingsburg’s incentive programs can go to www.kingsburgbusinesspark.com or contact Jolene Polyack at 559-284-2421.

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