published on January 10, 2019 - 12:27 PM
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(AP) – A judge has dismissed one section of Ashley Judd’s lawsuit against Harvey Weinstein, but the rest remains headed toward trial.

U.S. District Judge Philip S. Gutierrez ruled Wednesday that Judd’s sexual harassment claim isn’t within the scope of a California statute.

Gutierrez had already rejected the claim in November but allowed Judd’s lawyers to amend it, then dismissed it again.

Gutierrez said Judd’s allegations of defamation and economic interference can continue.

Judd attorney Theodore Boutrous Jr. says nothing about the ruling changes the fact that Judd’s lawsuit is moving forward, and her strong case remains intact.

Judd says that after she rejected Weinstein’s sexual advances two decades ago, he sabotaged her career.

The 66-year-old Weinstein also faces criminal prosecution in New York.
Weinstein has denied engaging in nonconsensual sexual activity.

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