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Fresno State’s acclaimed sweet corn will be available for sale beginning May 31.
White corn will be available opening day at the Rue and Gwen Gibson Farm Market at 5368 N. Chestnut Ave., with yellow white corn available soon after in June.
Sweet corn season is highly anticipated at Fresno State, with lines forming early to get first crack at the two varieties. Last year — in the middle of the pandemic — 34,521 ears were sold on the first day of sales with more than 320 customers in line before opening.
The product is also a staple for local restaurants, with perhaps the most famous dish the corn agnolotti at The Annex Kitchen in Fresno.
Both varieties are again 50 cents an ear or $7 for a bag of 10 ears that will be pre-bagged and available for purchase outside the market, while supplies last. Due to limited opening-weekend quantities, shoppers can buy a maximum of 24 ears of corn inside the store or two, 10-ear bags outside the store.
Store hours will expand to 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week through the Fourth of July holiday. Approximately 70 acres of the 1,000-acre University Agricultural Laboratory are devoted to this most popular product.
Some COVID-19-related shopping measures are still in place and require masks and social distancing measures inside and outside the store. Customers are asked to shop one person per bin inside the store, not shuck or put corn back in bins, and use sanitizer stations upon entering the store.