Lee Ann Eager
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The Fresno County Economic Development Corp. announced that Lee Ann Eager will be retiring from her position as president and CEO, and that she will be working with the board of directors on a leadership transition.
“I am at a point in my life where I want to devote more time to my family. I remain 100 percent committed to working closely with the Board and my eventual successor for a smooth transition and to ensure the EDC continues to focus on supporting Fresno County’s growth and working with the business community to create opportunities for all,” said Eager in a statement.
Eager joined the EDC in Septemer 2009, where she was charged with guiding development and growing the county’s economy. She did so by attracting investors to the area and retaining businesses already here. She was also a figurehead on various housing, retail and public policy initiatives as part of the county’s vision to create an economically powerful region.
Eager’s work has extended to board seats on a variety of organizations including the Fresno Chamber of Commerce, Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission, Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board, Access Plus Capital and California Central Valley Economic Development Corp.
She currently serves on the California International Trade and Investment Advisory Council, the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley, and the State Workforce Development Board, appointments by former Gov. Jerry Brown. In 2020, Eager was appointed by Gov. Gavin Newsom to the California Transportation Commission, where she currently still holds the position.
“I’m proud of what we have accomplished at the EDC and of the incredibly talented and committed people I work with every day,” said Eager. “Together, we have reimagined economic development, and worked to improve the economic landscape of Fresno County. It has been a huge privilege to have the opportunity to lead this great company for the past 14 years.”
The Fresno EDC will engage a search firm to find a new successor.
Nick Audino, chairman of the EDC Board, stated:
“Lee Ann has been an outstanding leader of the EDC for close to 14 years. Under her leadership the EDC has tripled in size and done incredible work in the community focused on business expansion, attraction, and retention. Over the last five years as Board Chair, I have become close personal friends with Lee Ann. She has been a mentor to me from whom I have learned so much. I have the utmost respect and admiration for her personally and professionally. It is truly sad to see her go. All the best to Lee Ann in her future endeavors, knowing that she will be a bright light in whatever comes next.”