Clovis Community Medical Center file photo
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On Monday, the County of Fresno announced to employees that the San Joaquin Valley Insurance Authority (SJVIA) has signed a direct contract with Community Health System.
As part of the contract, Fresno County employees covered by Anthem Blue Cross health plan benefits can receive services provided by Community Medical Center (CMC) hospitals as well as Community Health Partners’ practices at in-network rates.
“Fresno County is committed to ensuring access to quality healthcare to all of our employees,” said Paul Nerland, Fresno County administrative officer. “While negotiations between Anthem Blue Cross and Community are ongoing, we’re pleased this solution will offer our employees the care they seek.”
CMC and Anthem Blue Cross have been in negotiations to reach an agreement to provide health care services for Fresno County employees since the fall of 2022. County officials are hopeful these negotiations will result in an agreement that mutually benefits both parties.
According to County officials, the direct contract between SJVIA and Community Health System has provided a much-needed solution for 3,800 County employees.