
A map rendering shows the four-warehouse footprint of the proposed Scannell development project in the Roeding Business Park.

published on February 22, 2024 - 2:57 PM
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The Fresno City Council approved Scannell Properties’ $100 million speculative warehouse complex off Marks Avenue just north of Highway 180 Thursday.

A draft environmental impact report for the four-building project was approved 5-2, with Councilmembers Miguel Arias and Luis Chavez opposed to the development.

City Council Vice President Mike Karbassi made a motion for approval that was seconded by Councilmember Nelson Esparza. The project had previously been delayed for a council vote on two occasions.

Of the several public comments opposing the project, concerns centered on traffic congestion and air quality impacts.

The developer reassured the council a full environmental analysis was completed.

Arias, who with Chavez unsuccessfully attempted to negotiate a union project labor agreement for the Scannell build, noted the area is among the most polluted in the country.

Cara Cunningham with Scannell Properties shared that the project will produce less than 10 tons per year for each potential pollutant — below thresholds under state laws. She also shared that under the California Environmental Quality Act, mitigation is only required when a significant impact has been identified. A health risk assessment was taken for the surrounding areas due to the truck transportation to the buildings.

Eight public comments, including Mayor Jerry Dyer and Fresno Economic Development Corporation CEO Will Oliver, voiced support for the project. 

Esparza said this project is a milestone for Fresno’s economic development efforts.

The industrial development could provide up to 1,000 long-term industrial jobs when completed. Construction would also employ 1,000 people. It totals about 900,000 square feet.

The council has left to consider a development permit application, vesting tentative parcel map, and related final environmental impact report for the project on 48 acres. 

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