Fresno City Hall

Fresno City Hall image via wikipedia user Nightryder84

published on November 13, 2020 - 1:04 PM
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Fresno City Hall is opening virtual appointment slots for its Public Works Traffic Division as well as the Planning and Development Department Building and Current Planning divisions beginning Monday.

The move from in-person to virtual appointments is part of a multi-phased approach to safely reopen City Hall, according to a press release from the City.

Appointments will be limited to 15 to 20 minutes per customer, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

Public Works traffic services will take appointments regarding general procedures and standards questions only.

Under the city’s Planning and Development Department, appointments for Building and Safety services should only involve HVAC replacements, re-roof permits, water heaters and electric panel replacements. To make an appointment regarding building and safety, call Kristine Longoria at 621-8082.

Also within Planning and Development, current appointments for planning services should only involve general zoning or property information, application and approval processes, public document viewing, application submittal assistance, or zone clearance submittals. To make appointments for planning services, contact Cecilia Lopez at 621-8054.

In addition, customers are still advised to conduct business-related actions online or by phone. Fresno’s Accelerated Application System to Track Electronic Reviews (FAASTER portal) allows people to submit permit applications, monitor their progress. 

Drop off and pick up plans will still occur at the first floor entrance.  

In an effort to limit the amount of interpersonal contact, the City offers several ways for anyone who wishes or needs to conduct business with the City of Fresno. Visit the city’s website for more information, and follow the CDC and Fresno County Department of Public Health for regular updates. 

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