Fresno Human Animal Services

Image via Fresno Humane Animal Services

published on January 18, 2019 - 2:10 PM
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Fresno Humane Animal Services (FHAS) has received a major financial offer from an anonymous donor.

The donor, a private foundation, has pledged $20 for every dollar donated by the public, up to a total $6 million donation.

A total of $300,000 in private donations would trigger the $6 million gift. Nearly $9,000 had been pledged as of Friday afternoon.

This money will go towards the construction of new shelter for the organization.

FHAS took over the contract for services with Fresno County in 2015.

Dubbed “The Little Shelter that Could,” the organization has been working out of a small, makeshift outdoor operation in the parking lot of the condemned county morgue.

Still, the organization said it has managed to drop its euthanasia rate from 70 percent to less than 10 percent.

FHAS has been gifted land for the construction of the new shelter in northwest Fresno. The project has proven controversial to residents near the property, who have actively opposed the project, and even filed a lawsuit.

Derrel Ridenour, owner of Derrel’s Mini-Storage, is the shelter developer. He donated the land and contributed $3 million to the shelter, slated to be built near Grantland Avenue west of Highway 99.

For more information, visit https://www.classy.org/campaign/building-a-future-for-the-animals/c219543.

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