Craig Demanty
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CEO – unWired Broadband, Inc.
What does your company do?
unWired Broadband is in the business of providing last mile services via Microwave Fixed Wireless, Fiber Optic, or Copper, for the delivery of broadband services. In addition, we also offer Wireless Bridge Services in the licensed spectrum, allowing hospitals and large companies to transfer sensitive gigabit data from one facility to another.
Age: 48
Family: The anchor of the Demanty family is my wife Tanya, full-time sales rep and full-time mother; daughters Kahli, 16, a senior at Clovis North getting ready for college, and Jordan, 12, who loves horseback riding.
What is your role in the company, Craig?
Reviewing sales, services, mergers and acquisitions, demographics to expand to new territories and marketing.
What was your first job growing up and what did you learn from it, Craig?
First job was delivering newspapers for the Fresno Bee. What I learned and still believe to this day is, if you’re on time, your late. If you’re 10 minutes early, you’re on time.
What connection do you personally have to the Central Valley, Craig?
Born and raised here in 1962, the youngest of three. Great friends and family are a large part of why I live here. I have always had great success in the Central Valley.
What do you do in your spare time, Craig?
Spending time with my wife and kids. Getting away early morning before the sun comes up to go fishing.
How did you first get involved in the company, Craig?
Started my forth company back in 1993, TheWorks Internet. I started TheWorks to subsidize my income from my current business, Central Copier Services. The times were changing and I took a chance that the Internet was going to be my next venture. Sold Central Copier in 1996. This Internet thing was really starting to take off — who knew? By late 2001, we added fixed wireless broadband to our T1, ISDN and dial up services. Entered into an area that became more difficult than I had imagined. With a small base of 80 to 100 wireless customers, we ran into a company called Com Systems Installation. The owner was Peter Sorensen (now president of unWired Broadband). Com Systems had been doing wireless a couple of years longer than TheWorks and seemed to be doing it well. With my background in sales and Pete’s in engineering, I recognized a potentially great opportunity. After partnering with Com Systems, it freed us up to just sell services and get out of the installation side of the business. It became apparent to Pete and I we should merge the two companies. In June 2003 TheWorks Internet and Com Systems Installation merge to form unWired Broadband Inc.
In the constantly changing technology industry, how do you distinguish a strong innovation with potential from a passing trend that will become obsolete, Craig?
With strong upper management and over 82 years of combined experience in just the Internet business, we are constantly looking at the trends. The questions we are always asking ourselves is not when will the trend change, but looking at what the trend is going to be. What is the next big deal coming down the line? This is generally done by looking at current companies that provide our products, what’s coming out, following and researching the Internet sites on technology and a few other key areas. That’s the key to stay on the forefront of technology. Also, you have to take a considerable amount of risk. Our Company was first in the Valley to receive test frequencies in the new WiMax spectrum. Along with WiMax, we were first to provide the emergency 4.9Mhz frequency to facilities like the Fresno County Fire Protection District. Currently we are upgrading our network to provide VOIP services as part of our offerings. Last year we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars upgrading our services to insure they are more reliable, while delivering more bandwidth and not increasing or prices.
What services do you offer specifically to businesses, Craig?
Fixed Wireless, fiber, DSL, network consulting and design, hardware sales, monitoring services, failover and redundant services, VOIP services and Web hosting services.
What are some of the major projects you guys have been involved with, Craig?
Delivering broadband services to the World Ag Expo and International Agri-Center, the world’s largest annual agricultural exposition. Fresno County Fire Protection District, providing broadband services to the Command Center and fire stations to run their “Rip and Run” pre alert notification system. KSEE 24, provide broadband services in conjunction with Cal-Trans main offices for viewing traffic cams. CBS 47, Providing broadband and tower sites for CBS 47 Sky Cams, Big Fresno Fair and CBS 47, providing broadband services for Sky Cams at the fair. Central Valley Tea Party, provided broadband to deliver the webcast for viewing over the Internet and hot spot. Peak Broadcasting, providing broadband services to the valleys No. 2 radio station, KMJ580.