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Central Valley Community Bank has announced its fifth Business Food Fund Challenge to benefit food banks from the Central Valley to Sacramento area.
Along with its own donation of $8,000 to ten food banks in its footprint, the bank is challenging other businesses to join the effort to fund local food banks during the Covid-19 pandemic.
For every $1 donated, qualified food banks are able to fund up to seven meal through bulk contracts. For example, Central Valley Community bank’s donation will pay for up to 56,000 individual meals.
“Central Valley Community Bank takes great pride in providing help to families in need through supporting local food banks,” said James M. Ford, president and CEO of Central Valley Community Bank. “Given the current environment, food banks are experiencing increased demand and their need for donations has grown exponentially. We encourage other local and regionally-based businesses to join us in donating now in their own communities.”
For more information on Central Valley Community Bank’s Business Food Fund Challenge, including food banks receiving donations with contact information and donation preferences, visit www.cvcb.com/business-food-fund-challenge.