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The Office of Safety and Health Administration in California (Cal/OSHA) announced it will increase its physical presence in Fresno, Santa Barbara and Riverside counties.
The move will allow Cal/OSHA field inspectors to respond more efficiently in the Central Valley, Inland Empire and Central Coast areas, while providing services and resources to workers, employers and community-based organizations in these areas, according to a Cal / OSHA news release.
The Division is setting up temporary satellite offices and is in the process of establishing the following permanent sites:
Regional Office in Fresno
High Hazard Office in Fresno
District Office in Santa Barbara
District Office in Riverside
“While Cal/OSHA has been performing outreach and enforcement work in these regions, this planned expansion ensures a more permanent presence in these communities to serve as a resource for workers and employers,” said Department of Industrial Relations Director Katie Hagen. “These new offices will represent an important step in continuing to scale our efforts to meet workers where they are and ensure their health, safety and rights are safeguarded.”
The additional office locations are prompted by operational needs and increased demand for responses to complaints, accidents and proactive high-heat inspections at workplaces in these areas, especially in high-hazard industries, according to Cal/OSHA.
The current Cal/OSHA district office in Fresno is located in the Hugh M. Burns state building at 2550 Mariposa Street, Rm. 4000 in Downtown Fresno.
“We are working to secure office space and hiring is already underway,” said Cal/OSHA Chief Jeff Killip. “We invite those who want to make a significant impact on workplace safety in California to join our dynamic team at Cal/OSHA. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that employees know their rights and that employers in our state provide safe work environments.”
Cal/OSHA has openings for district managers, senior safety engineers and associate safety engineers in the new Fresno, Santa Barbara and Riverside offices. Additionally, openings for industrial hygienists, public health professionals, attorneys, health and safety analysts and more will be posted soon. Those with biology, chemistry, toxicology or environmental science degrees are also encouraged to apply.
Cal/OSHA’s jurisdiction to conduct workplace safety and health inspections extends to almost every workplace in California, with few exceptions for workplaces covered by federal agencies. Employers who have questions or need assistance with workplace health and safety programs can call Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Services Branch at 800-963-9424.