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You might have heard about the controversy generated by a draft of the state’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum, which has managed to draw criticism from educational leaders, Jewish groups, Armenians, Greeks, Hindus and Koreans (to name a few), according to the Los Angeles Times.
It’s part of a push to make ethnic studies a requirement to graduate from California high schools. That could also be extended to graduating from the California State University system.
The curriculum reads like a lecture from the most radical leftist professor ever to strap on a pair of Birkenstocks. Perhaps most disturbing is its treatment of capitalism, described as “a form of power and oppression,” alongside “patriarchy,” “racism,” “white supremacy” and “ableism,” according to an oped in the Wall Street Journal by Williamson M. Evers of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.
In the category of housing policy, it describes the subprime loan debacle as an attack on low-income homebuyers, instead of — as Evers puts it — “a misguided attempt by the government to help such buyers.”
With its academic and modern social-science jargon — who apart from professors knows what “hybridities,” “nepantlas” and “misgynoir” means? — this curriculum reads like par for the course for modern universities. Extending that to grade school is clearly an effort to indoctrinate children in identity politics.
Even members of the state Board of Education recognize the problem with this curriculum, with three members issuing a statement saying it failed to meet goals to be “accurate, free of bias, appropriate for all learners in our diverse state…”
The board is scheduled to approve a final version by March 2020. Let’s hope the final outcome won’t change the famous “Three Rs” to reading, writing and radical leftism.