man smiling

published on September 5, 2024 - 12:44 PM
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A mini rant here.

I have spoken to many young people, recent college graduates, with good degrees from good schools, that are having difficulty finding employment. But that isn’t what the rant is about. There is a common thread to their stories, and it is this: when they respond to an open position, either with a resume or application, most often, they do not get a response of any kind, not even an acknowledgement that the information was received.

Now, it has been said that there is no greater insult to someone than being ignored, and I agree with that. The only people I regularly ignore are political candidates, and that is on purpose. Nothing personal, I just don’t donate anymore.

But I think young people are different. The ones that I know want to work. They are rightfully apprehensive about the present, and the future, and when they don’t hear back from an employer claiming to be hiring, at all, it harms their confidence, which creates doubt, which creates even more apprehension.

So please, if you are a hiring manager or HR professional, even in your crazy busy work lives, take a few seconds and just fire off a note to the job applicants that are approaching your company. It is not only good manners, but will help keep this generation of new want to be workers from an unjustified cycle of negativity about themselves.

End of rant.

Michael Der Manouel, Jr. is the regional president with leading North American insurance brokerage HUB Central California. He shared this message as a post on LinkedIn.

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