
Cold water immersion therapy for stabilizing heat stroke victims on the way to the hospital is saving lives in Phoenix and is also employed at Community Regional Medical Center Image via CRMC Facebook page

published on December 23, 2019 - 2:57 PM
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Just in time for Christmas, an anonymous six-figure donation has been made to Community Regional Medical Center.

Monday morning, Community Medical Centers Foundation CEO and Senior Vice President Katie Zenovich announced that a gift of $500,000 had been made to match any funds donated to help the underserved/homeless patients.

“They come to us and they may not have shoes, they may not have a shirt on their backs,” Zenovich said. “And so what this does is it provides people who come to us in need health care.”

Zenovich explained further that the medication copay, wheelchairs, walkers, food and clothing is not reimbursed, making the donation that much more important. However, the $500,000 gift will only be matched if the community steps up.

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