published on May 27, 2016 - 5:29 PM
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For 30 years, ServiceMaster by Benevento in Visalia has been providing disaster restoration services in Tulare, Kings and Kern counties.
ServiceMaster by Benevento is the business you call when your home has damage from fire, smoke or water. Their job is to make someone’s terrible day a little brighter.

Larry Benevento founded the business in 1985. His two sons Tony and Seth are the second generation in the business. While a third generation is too young to be in the business, it’s the family’s hope that they will.
ServiceMaster by Benevento has been able to maintain a strong growth clip, in part, by differentiating themselves from their competitors with their corporate objectives, which include honoring God, helping to develop people, excelling with customers and growing profitable.
“We are always striving to show empathy to our customers who are going through a tragic event,” according to ServiceMaster by Benevento’s California Family Business Award nomination.
The business gives back to the community through involvement in boards, service clubs and a slew of nonprofits. The company has donated in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to make its community a better place.

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