Four Fresno County internal services workers were inured after an electrical incident at the UMC campus. Google Earth image
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Four Fresno County workers were injured from an “electrical incident” at the former campus of Universal Medical Center (UMC) in Southeast Fresno on Thursday.
They were attempting to restore power at the UMC campus, where several Fresno County offices are located, according to a County news release.
Three of the four County internal services employees were taken by ambulance to Community Regional Medical Center. They were conscious at the time of transport. All four injured employees are in stable condition, according to the news release.
The situation was made more complicated when Fresno County security saw a man on top of the building’s roof around the same time. He was eventually detained by security and later cited by law enforcement for trespassing and released, according to the County.
County officials are unsure if this man’s activities on the UMC campus were related to the electrical incident.
Several Fresno County departments including social services, behavioral health, emergency services and internal services are collaborating to find alternate locations to serve the public with an effort to minimize impact on community health care systems, according to the release.
Visit the Fresno County behavioral health department website for more information about emergency services and hotlines.