
Public Notice Information


Public notice deadlines are as follows:

Monday Edition Thursday @ 11 a.m.

Wednesday Edition Monday @ 11 a.m.

Friday Edition Wednesday @ 11 a.m.


Publication Rates

Trustee Sale   – $820. 00

Probate – $670.00

Summons /Name – $700.00

Notice of Sale -$690.00

Fictitious Name Statement & Abandonments- $210. 00

Bulk Sales $280.00

All other notices are priced per column inch $65.00


Ads can be emailed to: legals@thebusinessjournal.com


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Please refer questions and comments to:

Callie Martin

Phone-559.490.3503 / Fax -559.490.3532

Email : legals@thebusinessjournal.com

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Do you support Proposition 6, which would limit forced labor in California prisons?
69 votes

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