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Tutor-Perini/Zachry/Parsons, the contractor for the California High-Speed Rail Authority on Construction Package 1 (CP1), will begin demolition work Wednesday on Fresno’s old Greyhound bus terminal, located in Downtown Fresno at 1033 H St.
The old bus station is being torn down to make way for construction of Fresno’s new bullet train terminal.
The new Greyhound station was relocated last year about a half mile east to the historic Santa Fe Depot at 2660 Tulare St.
Rail officials said demolition work at the old station site will begin at 7 a.m. Wednesday and continue during weekdays for about two weeks.
CP1 is the first 32-mile stretch of high-speed rail line to be built and will run between Avenue 19 in Madera County to E. American Avenue in Fresno County.
The right westbound lane on Tulare Street between Congo Alley and just west of the H Street intersection will be closed during demolition. The right southbound lane and shoulder of H Street between Fresno and Tulare streets will also be closed.
Drivers are requested to follow lane closure signage and may experience delays; pedestrian access will also be restricted.