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Due to a continued decline in Covid-19 hospitalizations, Kaweah Delta Medical Center in Visalia has modified its visitor policy, allowing patients having elective surgeries to have one visitor on the condition that they meet screening requirements.
“Were incredibly excited to welcome back our visitors and families,” said hospital president Gary Herbst. “Limiting visitors was one of the most difficult actions that we had to take during this pandemic even though safety was at the forefront of it.”
The visitor modification generally allows patients of Kaweah Delta Medical Center who are not in isolation from Covid-19 to have one unique visitor a day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Visitors must be older than 12, wear a mask and remain in the patient’s room except to use the restroom or get food. A screening for Covid-19 symptoms must be passed prior to 6 p.m. at the Acequia Avenue entrance.