
published on October 17, 2019 - 1:59 PM
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The City of Fresno has announced a partnership with ParkMobile, a provider of smart parking and mobility solutions.

The result of this partnership will be the implementation of the ParkMobile app, allowing drivers to pay for parking from their mobile devices in more than 2,000 spaces in Fresno. New stickers will provide information to drivers on how to pay for parking using the app. ParkMobile is available for free on both iPhone and Android devices, or by registering at parkmobile.io.

After setting up their account, users can immediately begin using the system with their mobile device by entering the zone number posted on the meter, choosing the duration of time they’d like to park, and hitting the “Start Parking” button to begin their session.

“This is the first of many exciting improvements for parking in Downtown Fresno,” said Thomas Gaffrey, Fresno’s Parking Division manager. “

Gaffrey added that credit card enabled meters are also on the horizon.

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